You can help us in many ways!
First, Friends of the Headwaters needs your financial support: In order to thwart these Enbridge efforts to hasten PUC approval of Line 3, Friends of the Headwaters will need your help. As you probably know, everyone in our organization is a volunteer. We have no rented office space, no salaried leadership, no staff or interns, no travel. We do not spend money "building our brand" or staging media events. Anything you donate goes to the procedural and legal initiatives that will keep oil and tar sands out of Minnesota's lakes, rivers, wetlands, and aquifers.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Friends of the Headwaters
Click here to donate WE THANK YOU!!!
A second important way you can help our efforts is to write newspapers, state legislators, representatives and senators. Help them to understand what’s at stake if Minnesota allows huge oil pipelines near the Mississippi Headwaters and MN lake country. Try to involve friends in this effort, people who live in various parts of the state so there’s even more recognition that this is a statewide issue. All contact information and helpful tips can be found here.
Signing petitions we have created to get the attention of public officials is another effective way you can help us. Any active petitions we have can be accessed here.
We’re very grateful for all of your help, whatever form it takes—donations, research, savvy tips, forwarding our updates, and sharing our Facebook/Twitter posts. Thank you. We hope you’ll continue to support Friends of the Headwaters' efforts to keep oil and tar sands out of the Mississippi Headwaters and Minnesota’s lake country.
Lastly, we all need to pay attention to what our elected officials are doing. The following links will help you track what is happening in the MN State Legislature:
Monitoring Bill Introductions at the Minnesota State Legislature - Find out how
In general, People can watch for Bills being introduced in the MN House at this link:
MN House Job Growth and Energy Committee info can be found here:
MN House Environment and Natural Resources Committee info is here:
MN Senate Energy Committee link is here:

Thanks to the many organizations and hundreds of individuals who contacted the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) with comments on the proposed route of the Sandpiper and Line 3 pipelines.
All of us at Friends of the Headwaters applaud your passion to preserve our lake country & the Headwaters of the Mississippi River - which provides drinking water for millions downstream!
All of us at Friends of the Headwaters applaud your passion to preserve our lake country & the Headwaters of the Mississippi River - which provides drinking water for millions downstream!