Relevant Reports
Read this recently completed State of Michigan report about Enbridge finances, insurance, and liability for a spill:
Click here for the report
Read about security threats to pipelines:
TSA Report
Also, please read the National Academies of Science report on diluted bitumen and its interaction with water. It’s scary but important information. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/21834/spills-of-diluted-bitumen-from-pipelines-a-comparative-study-of
Inform yourself about what is happening in Canada, particularly in the tar sands
Please inform yourself about why the federal regulatory agencies have been
ineffective: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/the-little-pipeline-agency-that-couldnt-217227
Read this recently completed State of Michigan report about Enbridge finances, insurance, and liability for a spill:
Click here for the report
Read about security threats to pipelines:
TSA Report
Also, please read the National Academies of Science report on diluted bitumen and its interaction with water. It’s scary but important information. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/21834/spills-of-diluted-bitumen-from-pipelines-a-comparative-study-of
Inform yourself about what is happening in Canada, particularly in the tar sands
Please inform yourself about why the federal regulatory agencies have been
ineffective: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/the-little-pipeline-agency-that-couldnt-217227
Related Background InformationEnbridge's "Safety" Record
Pipeline Failures |
Informative Blogs and Links
Pipeline 101 |
Implications for Community and Landowners
Related Concerns |

July 2002: Enbridge 34-inch diameter steel pipeline ruptured in a marsh west of Cohasset, Minnesota. To prevent 6,000 barrels (252,000 gallons) of crude oil from reaching the Mississippi River, the company set the oil on fire. The plume of smoke extended one mile high. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board blamed the rupture on “inadequate loading of the pipe for transportation.”

Michigan's Kalamazoo River cleanup - site of 2010 massive Enbridge pipeline oil spill. Imagine this on the Fishhook river! Read more about the biggest pipeline oil spill in US history.