You can help us by donating to Friends of the Headwaters (FOH) using the secure Donate button below. Donations are used to help cover expenses such as postage, printing, legal costs and expert witnesses for testimony at hearings. You can complete your payment with just a few clicks. There is an option to make a continuing monthly donation - please consider this option to better sustain our efforts. If you are purchasing tickets to an FOH event, please specify number of tickets. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to: Friends of the Headwaters, P.O. Box 583, Park Rapids, MN 56470.
A donation to FOH is a great idea for that "hard to buy for person," or if you have friends and family members who are especially environmentally conscious, they may really appreciate donations in their names. When looking at your upcoming "gifts to buy for" list, please consider a gift to FOH. If you would like an acknowledgement sent to you or to that friend or family member, just include that information in the comments section of the donate process.
Friends of the Headwaters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization and your donation will be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
A donation to FOH is a great idea for that "hard to buy for person," or if you have friends and family members who are especially environmentally conscious, they may really appreciate donations in their names. When looking at your upcoming "gifts to buy for" list, please consider a gift to FOH. If you would like an acknowledgement sent to you or to that friend or family member, just include that information in the comments section of the donate process.
Friends of the Headwaters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization and your donation will be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.